Study About Autism and ER Visits Reveals Much

A recent study found that children who have an autism spectrum disorder are nine times more likely to visit an emergency room for a psychiatric reason than are children who do not have autism. This result is being interpreted to mean that there isn’t sufficient outpatient mental health care for families that need it. A study was recently published in the journal Pediatric Emergency Care. Researchers analyzed data from over 3.9 million emergency room visits in the United States. Specifically, they focused on ER visits by children who were between 3 and 17 years old. The researchers used the 2008 … Continue reading

Parents Sue Insurers Over Autism Coverage

Several class-action lawsuits have been filed in an effort to require private health insurance companies to cover treatment for autism. The parents want it covered like other conditions that affect the brain are. The insurance companies have been placing caps on the amount of treatment that kids with autism can have covered, Autism spectrum disorders affect one out of every 88 children. There is no cure, but there are some treatments that can be helpful. Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, is a treatment that has been successful. This is not the type of treatment that can be administered once or … Continue reading

Parent Sues Autism Speaks for Disability Discrimination

A mother of a teenager who has autism has filed a lawsuit against Autism Speaks. The reason is because Autism Speaks rescinded on a job offer after she requested workplace accommodations that would allow her to care for her son. It seems strange that an autism awareness group would deny that that type of request. According to Disability Scoop Simone Greggs was offered a job as a walk events manager at Autism Speaks office in Washington D.C., in May of 2012. To get this job, she had to successfully complete five different interviews, a pre-employment background check, and a drug … Continue reading

Parents of Kids With Autism Want Less Judgement

No one wants to get “that look” from the other parents in the room. It is the look that implies that you are a failure as a parent because your child is misbehaving. Parents of kids who have autism want less judgement, and more understanding. What others see as “acting up” could be nothing more than a coping mechanism, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. The other day, I opened up a bottle of tea, and found writing on the inside of the lid. It was one of those “6-Word Memoirs”. This one said: “I have Aspergers. What’s your … Continue reading

Risk of Autism Increases When Mom is Obese

A study that was recently published in the journal “Pediatrics” suggest that mothers who are obese are more likely to have a child with autism, or with another type of developmental problem. Moms who have diabetes have the same risk. The implication is that obesity and diabetes are affecting early brain development. There has been a lot of research done in an attempt to discover the causes of autism. I’ve lost track of the wide variety of things that are said to be the cause of autism, or that are found to increase the risk of it. Perhaps, one day, … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – March 18 – 24, 2012

Once a week, the Special Needs Blog at does a quick Week in Review. This is a great way to catch up on the blogs that you meant to read, but didn’t have enough time to do it when it first hit the blog. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup for the week went up on March 19, 2012. This week, I would like to point out an episode from the “Autism & Disney Series – The Best Magic”. It is episode number four, and it talks about how children who have autism can have a great Disney vacation. Study … Continue reading

Study Confirms Financial Impact of Autism

A brand new study confirms the findings of a preliminary study that was released in 2011. The new study shows that the income of a family that includes a child who has autism is significantly less than the income of families who don’t. This is due to a number of factors. In 2011, there was a preliminary study that used data that came from a survey done by the United States government’s Medical Expenditures Panel. Researchers looked at information about families that included children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), about families who had children with other types of chronic health … Continue reading

Judge in Florida Rules Medicaid Must Cover ABA

A judge in Florida has ruled that Florida’s Medicaid insurance program must cover the cost of applied behavioral analysis therapy for children who have an autism spectrum disorder. This ruling could, potentially, lead the way for other states to include coverage for ABA in their Medicaid programs. Applied behavioral analysis is also called ABA. It is a psychological form of treatment that is very necessary for children who have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This form of therapy is designed to improve the child’s behavior, language, and cognitive development. Kids who receive ABA therapy will improve in their ability to … Continue reading